Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack

Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack
Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack/Degen DE1103 + Degen DE31

domingo, 30 de setembro de 2018

Dear Mr. Rubens Ferraz Pedroso,

Thank you for your reception report and your kind effort to upload the sample to youtube. We appreciate it.

I confirm everything in your report is correct.

We are a small ministry and do not mail QSL cards, but I have attached an electronic card.

Kind Regards,

David Hoff
Follow the Bible Ministries

11.850 kHz: Follow the Bible Ministries – Relay Moosbrunn/AUT.
Escutada em Bandeirantes/PR – GG46TV.
(Rx: Tecsun PL606 /Ant: Loop DZ Ultimate).
Distância (tx-rx): 10.338,15 Km.
Obs: Escuta de programa religioso em inglês.
Demora: 22 dias.

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