Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack

Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack
Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack/Degen DE1103 + Degen DE31

segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2016

Confirmação recebida (E-mail): 12.005 kHz – Follow The Bible Ministries - Relay Ascencion Island/ASC

Dear Sir,

Thank you for your kind reception report. I am very impressed that you were able to detect the broadcast so well. 
You are very good at listening to broadcasts.

I confirm that everything is correct in your report. 

We appreciate your report.

we are a small ministry and do not have QSL cards yet.

Best Regards,

David Hoff

Follow The Bible Ministries– 12.005 kHz – Relay Ascencion Island/ASC.
Escutada em Bandeirantes/PR – GG46TV.
(Rx: Tecsun PL310 /Ant: Loop Blindada).
Distância (tx-rx): 4.197,93 Km.
Obs: Escuta de programa religioso em inglês.
Demora: 8 dias e algumas horas.

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