Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack

Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack
Rubens F. Pedroso PY5-007 - Shack/Degen DE1103 + Degen DE31

domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012

Confirmação recebida: 7.215 kHz – Voice of America Philippines Relay Station – Tinang/PHL.

VOA Philippines Relay Station, 7.215 kHz – Tinang/PHL.
Escutada em Bandeirantes/PR.
(Rx: Sony ICF SW 7600G /Ant: Longwire).

E-mail recebido da Voice of America Philippines Relay Station – Tinang/PHL.

Dear Sir,
VOA is not currently broadcasting English on 7215 kHz 2232-2307 UTC, but (as noted) there
appears to have been such a transmission 12 years ago.
Russell Erickson
From: Arlene Basilio Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 8:35 PMTo: Engineering EOF SchedulingSubject: FW: VOA - 7.215 kHz - Listened in Brazil

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